In the list below you will find over 30 names for animals translated in Arabic from English, expand your vocabulary and practice your pronunciations.
Learn basic Arabic words for common animals
English | Arabic |
animal | حيوان / hayawan |
ape | قرد / qerrd |
bear | دب / dop |
bird | طائر / ta'er |
bull | ثور / thawr |
cat | قط / qitt |
chicken | دجاج / dajaj |
cow | بقرة / baqara |
deer | غزلان / ghizlan |
dinosaur | ديناصور / dainasour |
dog | كلب / kalb |
dolphin | دولفين / dolpheen |
duck | بطة / batah |
elephant | فيل / feel |
goat | عنزة / anza |
gorilla | غوريلا / ghourilla |
horse | حصان / hisan |
lion | أسد / asad |
lizard | سحلية / sihlya |
mammal | ثديي / thadyy |
monkey | قرد / qirrd |
mouse | فأر / fa'r |
octopus | أخطبوط / okhtuboot |
orca | اوركا / orka |
owl | بومة / pumah |
pig | خنزير / khinzir |
puppy | جرو / jarw |
rooster | ديك / deek |
salmon | سلمون / salamown |
shark | قرش / qirsh |
snake | ثعبان / thoebaan |
tiger | نمر / nemr |
tuna | تونة / tuna |
whale | حوت / hout |
If you are an absolute beginner in learning Arabic, we recommend you bookmark or write down the animal names in Arabic listed above. If you want to improve your Arabic vocabulary further, start learning Arabic using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.
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