Showing posts with label Hotel Vocabulary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hotel Vocabulary. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Italian Hotel Vocabulary and Italian Phrases for Hotels

Italian Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to an Italian speaking country, some of the most basic Italian phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful Italian sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful Italian Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English Italian
Do you have a vacant room? Ha una camera libera?
I have booked a room. Ho prenotato una camera.
I need a single room. Ho bisogno di una camera singola.
I need a double room. Ho bisogno di una camera doppia.
What does the room cost per night? Quanto costa la camera a notte?
Can I see the room? Posso vedere la camera?
Fine, I’ll take the room. Bene, prendo la camera.
Here are the keys. Ecco le chiavi.
Here is my luggage. Ecco i miei bagagli.
What time do you serve breakfast? A che ora c’è la colazione?
What time do you serve lunch? A che ora c’è il pranzo?
What time do you serve dinner? A che ora c’è la cena?
The shower isn’t working. La doccia non funziona.
There is no warm water. Non c’è acqua calda.
Can you get it repaired? Può farla riparare?
There is no telephone in the room. Nella camera non c’è il telefono.
There is no TV in the room. Nella camera non c’è il televisore.
The room has no balcony. La camera non ha la terrazza.
The room is too noisy. Nella camera c’è troppo rumore.
The room is too small. La camera è troppo piccola.
The room is too dark. La camera è troppo buia.
The heater isn’t working. Il riscaldamento non funziona.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. L’aria condizionata non funziona.
The TV isn’t working. Il televisore non funziona.
I don’t like that. Questa non mi piace.
That’s too expensive. Questa è troppo cara.
Do you have anything cheaper? Avete qualcosa di più economico?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? C’è un ostello qui vicino?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? C’è una pensione qui vicino?
Is there a restaurant nearby? C’è un ristorante qui vicino?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Italian, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

If you want to further improve your Italian vocabulary, start learning Italian using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also installed on your mobile device.

Prepare for your Italy trip or vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

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German Hotel Vocabulary and German Phrases for Hotels

German Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to a German speaking country, some of the most basic German phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful German sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful German Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English German
Do you have a vacant room? Haben Sie ein Zimmer frei?
I have booked a room. Ich habe ein Zimmer reserviert.
I need a single room. Ich brauche ein Einzelzimmer.
I need a double room. Ich brauche ein Doppelzimmer.
What does the room cost per night? Wie viel kostet das Zimmer pro Nacht?
Can I see the room? Kann ich das Zimmer sehen?
Fine, I’ll take the room. Gut, ich nehme das Zimmer.
Here are the keys. Hier sind die Schlüssel.
Here is my luggage. Hier ist mein Gepäck.
What time do you serve breakfast? Um wie viel Uhr gibt es Frühstück?
What time do you serve lunch? Um wie viel Uhr gibt es Mittagessen?
What time do you serve dinner? Um wie viel Uhr gibt es Abendessen?
The shower isn’t working. Die Dusche funktioniert nicht.
There is no warm water. Es kommt kein warmes Wasser.
Can you get it repaired? Können Sie das reparieren lassen?
There is no telephone in the room. Es gibt kein Telefon im Zimmer.
There is no TV in the room. Es gibt keinen Fernseher im Zimmer.
The room has no balcony. Das Zimmer hat keinen Balkon.
The room is too noisy. Das Zimmer ist zu laut.
The room is too small. Das Zimmer ist zu klein.
The room is too dark. Das Zimmer ist zu dunkel.
The heater isn’t working. Die Heizung funktioniert nicht.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. Die Klimaanlage funktioniert nicht.
The TV isn’t working. Der Fernseher ist kaputt.
I don’t like that. Das gefällt mir nicht.
That’s too expensive. Das ist mir zu teuer.
Do you have anything cheaper? Haben Sie etwas Billigeres?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? Gibt es hier in der Nähe eine Jugendherberge?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? Gibt es hier in der Nähe eine Pension?
Is there a restaurant nearby? Gibt es hier in der Nähe ein Restaurant?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning German, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

If you want to further improve your German vocabulary, start learning German using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also installed on your mobile device.

Prepare for your Germany trip or vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

learn german online

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Russian Hotel Vocabulary and Russian Phrases for Hotels

Russian Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to a Russian speaking country, some of the most basic Russian phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful Russian sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful Russian Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English Russian
Do you have a vacant room? У вас есть свободный номер? / U vas yest svobodnyy nomer?
I have booked a room. Я забронировал номер. / Ya zabroniroval nomer.
I need a single room. Мне нужен одноместный номер. / Mne nuzhen odnomestnyy nomer.
I need a double room. Мне нужен двухместный номер. / Mne nuzhen dvuhmestnyy nomer.
What does the room cost per night? Сколько стоит одна ночь в этом номере? / Skolko stoit odna noch v etom nomere?
Can I see the room? Можно мне посмотреть номер? / Mozhno mne posmotret nomer?
Fine, I’ll take the room. Хорошо, я беру этот номер. / Horosho, ya beru etot nomer.
Here are the keys. Вот ключи. / Vot klyuchi.
Here is my luggage. Вот мой багаж. / Vot moy bagazh.
What time do you serve breakfast? В каком часу подают завтрак? / V kakom chasu podayut zavtrak?
What time do you serve lunch? В каком часу подают обед? / V kakom chasu podayut obed?
What time do you serve dinner? В каком часу подают ужин? / V kakom chasu podayut uzhyn?
The shower isn’t working. Душ не работает. / Dush ne rabotayet.
There is no warm water. Нет тёплой воды. / Net tyoploy vody.
Can you get it repaired? Могли бы вы это отремонтировать? / Mogli by vy eto otremontirovat?
There is no telephone in the room. В номере нет телефона. / V nomere net telefona.
There is no TV in the room. В номере нет телевизора. / V nomere net televizora.
The room has no balcony. В номере нет балкона. / V nomere net balkona.
The room is too noisy. В номере очень шумно. / V nomere ochen shumno.
The room is too small. Номер очень маленький. / Nomer ochen malenkiy.
The room is too dark. Номер слишком тёмный. / Nomer slishkom tyomnyy.
The heater isn’t working. Отопление не работает. / Otopleniye ne rabotayet.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. Кондиционер не работает. / Konditsyoner ne rabotayet.
The TV isn’t working. Телевизор сломан. / Televizor sloman.
I don’t like that. Это мне не нравится. / Eto mne ne nravitsya.
That’s too expensive. Это слишком дорого для меня. / Eto slishkom dorogo dlya menya.
Do you have anything cheaper? У вас есть что-нибудь подешевле? / U vas yest chto-nibud podeshevle?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? Здесь есть рядом молодёжная туристическая база? / Zdes yest ryadom molodyozhnaya turisticheskaya baza?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? Здесь есть рядом пансион? / Zdes yest ryadom pansion?
Is there a restaurant nearby? Здесь есть рядом ресторан? / Zdes yest ryadom restoran?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Russian, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

Prepare for your Russia trip or vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

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Arabic Hotel Vocabulary and Arabic Phrases for Hotels

Arabic Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to a Arabic speaking country, some of the most basic Arabic phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful Arabic sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful Arabic Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English Arabic
Do you have a vacant room? أعندكم غرفة خالية؟‬ / 'aeindakum ghurfa kahliya?
I have booked a room. ‫لقد حجزت عندكم غرفة.‬ / Laqad hajazt aeindakum ghurfa.
I need a single room. ‫أحتاج لغرفة سرير واحد.‬ / 'ahtaj lighurfa sarir wahid.
I need a double room. ‫أحتاج لغرفة سريرين.‬ / 'ahtaj lighurfa sarirayn.
What does the room cost per night? ‫كم سعر الغرفة لليلة؟‬ / Kam siear alghurfa lillayla?
Can I see the room? ‫أيمكن أن أرى الغرفة؟‬ / 'ayumkin 'an 'ara alghurfa?
Fine, I’ll take the room. ‫جيد، أنا آخذ الغرفة.‬ / Jayid, ana a'akhoz alghurfa.
Here are the keys. هنا المفاتيح.‬ / Huna almafatih.
Here is my luggage. ‫هنا أمتعتي.‬ / Huna 'amtieaty.
What time do you serve breakfast? ‫متى يكون الإفطار؟‬ / Mata yakun al'iftar?
What time do you serve lunch? ‫متى يكون الغداء؟‬ / Mata yakun alghada'?
What time do you serve dinner? ‫متى يكون العشاء؟‬ / Mata yakun alaesha'?
The shower isn’t working. ‫الدُش لا يعمل.‬ / Aldosh la yaemal.
There is no warm water. ‫لا يوجد ماء ساخن.‬ / La yujad ma' sakhin.
Can you get it repaired? ‫أيمكنكم أن تكلفوا أحداً يصلحه؟‬ / 'ayumkinukum 'an tukalifou 'ahadan yusalihuha?
There is no telephone in the room. ‫لا يوجد تلفون في الغرفة.‬ / La yujad telephone fi alghurfa.
There is no TV in the room. ‫/ لا يوجد تلفزيون في الغرفة.‬ La yujad telefizion fi alghurfa.
The room has no balcony. لا يوجد شرفة للغرفة.‬ / La yujad shurfa lilghurfa.
The room is too noisy. ‫الغرفة صاخبة.‬ / Alghurfa sakhiba.
The room is too small. ‫الغرفة صغيرة جداً.‬ / Alghurfa saghira jidan.
The room is too dark. ‫الغرفة معتمة جداً.‬ / Alghurfa moeatima jidan.
The heater isn’t working. ‫التدفئة لا تعمل.‬ / Altadfe'ah la taemal.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. المكيف لا يعمل.‬ / Almukayef la yaemal.
The TV isn’t working. ‫التلفزيون متعطل.‬ / Altelefizion mutaeatel.
I don’t like that. ‫هذا لا يعجبني.‬ / Haza la yoeajibuny.
That’s too expensive. ‫السعر غالي جداً.‬ / Alsiear ghaly jidan.
Do you have anything cheaper? ‫أعندكم ما هو أرخص؟‬ / 'aeindakum ma hwa arkhas?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? ‫هل يوجد بيت شباب بالقرب من هنا؟‬ / Hal yujad bayt shabab bilqurb min huna?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? هل يوجد بنسيون بالقرب من هنا؟‬ / Hal yujad bansyon bilqurb min huna?
Is there a restaurant nearby? ‫هل يوجد مطعم بالقرب من هنا؟‬ / Hal yujad mataeam bilqurb min huna?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Arabic, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

Prepare for your vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

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French Hotel Vocabulary and French Phrases for Hotels

French Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to a French speaking country, some of the most basic French phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful French sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful French Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English French
Do you have a vacant room? Avez-vous une chambre libre ?
I have booked a room. J’ai réservé une chambre.
I need a single room. J’ai besoin d’une chambre simple.
I need a double room. J’ai besoin d’une chambre double.
What does the room cost per night? Combien coûte la chambre pour la nuit ?
Can I see the room? Puis-je voir la chambre ?
Fine, I’ll take the room. Bon, je prends la chambre.
Here are the keys. Voici les clefs.
Here is my luggage. Voici mes bagages.
What time do you serve breakfast? A quelle heure est servi le petit déjeuner ?
What time do you serve lunch? A quelle heure est servi le déjeuner ?
What time do you serve dinner? A quelle heure est servi le dîner ?
The shower isn’t working. La douche ne fonctionne pas.
There is no warm water. Il n’y a pas d’eau chaude.
Can you get it repaired? Pouvez-vous réparer ça ?
There is no telephone in the room. Il n’y a pas de téléphone dans la chambre.
There is no TV in the room. Il n’y a pas de télévision dans la chambre.
The room has no balcony. La chambre n’a pas de balcon.
The room is too noisy. La chambre est trop bruyante.
The room is too small. La chambre est trop petite.
The room is too dark. La chambre est trop sombre.
The heater isn’t working. Le chauffage ne fonctionne pas.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. La climatisation ne fonctionne pas.
The TV isn’t working. La télévision est cassée.
I don’t like that. Ça ne me plaît pas.
That’s too expensive. C’est trop cher pour moi.
Do you have anything cheaper? Avez-vous quelque chose de moins cher ?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? Est-ce qu’il y a une auberge de jeunesse dans les environs ?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? Est-ce qu’il y a une pension de famille dans les environs ?
Is there a restaurant nearby? Est-ce qu’il y a un restaurant dans les environs ?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning French, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

Prepare for your France trip or vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

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Spanish Hotel Vocabulary and Spanish Phrases for Hotels

Spanish Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to a Spanish speaking country, some of the most basic Spanish phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful Spanish sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful Spanish Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English Spanish
Do you have a vacant room? ¿Tiene usted una habitación libre?
I have booked a room. He reservado una habitación.
I need a single room. Necesito una habitación individual.
I need a double room. Necesito una habitación doble.
What does the room cost per night? ¿Cuánto vale la habitación por noche?
Can I see the room? ¿Puedo ver la habitación?
Fine, I’ll take the room. De acuerdo, tomaré la habitación.
Here are the keys. Aquí tiene las llaves.
Here is my luggage. Éste es mi equipaje.
What time do you serve breakfast? ¿A qué hora es el desayuno?
What time do you serve lunch? ¿A qué hora es el almuerzo?
What time do you serve dinner? ¿A qué hora es la cena?
The shower isn’t working. La ducha no funciona.
There is no warm water. No hay agua caliente.
Can you get it repaired? ¿Podría usted arreglarlo?
There is no telephone in the room. No hay teléfono en la habitación.
There is no TV in the room. No hay televisión en la habitación.
The room has no balcony. La habitación no tiene balcón.
The room is too noisy. La habitación es demasiado ruidosa
The room is too small. La habitación es demasiado pequeña.
The room is too dark. La habitación es demasiado oscura.
The heater isn’t working. La calefacción no funciona.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. El aire acondicionado no funciona.
The TV isn’t working. El televisor no funciona.
I don’t like that. Eso no me gusta.
That’s too expensive. Eso es demasiado caro.
Do you have anything cheaper? ¿Tiene usted algo más barato?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? ¿Hay algún albergue juvenil por aquí?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? ¿Hay alguna pensión cerca de aquí?
Is there a restaurant nearby? ¿Hay algún restaurante por aquí?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Spanish, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

If you want to further improve your Spanish vocabulary, start learning Spanish using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also installed on your mobile device.

Prepare for your Spain trip or vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

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Portuguese Hotel Vocabulary and Portuguese Phrases for Hotels

Portuguese Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to a Portuguese speaking country, some of the most basic Portuguese phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful Portuguese sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful Portuguese Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English Portuguese
Do you have a vacant room? (Você) tem um quarto livre?
I have booked a room. Eu reservei um quarto.
I need a single room. Eu preciso de um quarto simples.
I need a double room. Eu preciso de um quarto duplo.
What does the room cost per night? Quanto é que custa o quarto por noite?
Can I see the room? Posso ver o quarto?
Fine, I’ll take the room. Está bem, eu fico com o quarto.
Here are the keys. Aqui estão as chaves.
Here is my luggage. Éste es mi equipaje.
What time do you serve breakfast? A que horas é o pequeno-almoço?
What time do you serve lunch? A que horas é o almoço?
What time do you serve dinner? A que horas é o jantar?
The shower isn’t working. O chuveiro não funciona.
There is no warm water. Não há água quente.
Can you get it repaired? Pode mandar arranjar isto?
There is no telephone in the room. Não há telefone no quarto.
There is no TV in the room. Não há televisão no quarto.
The room has no balcony. O quarto não tem varanda.
The room is too noisy. O quarto é muito barulhento.
The room is too small. O quarto é muito pequeno.
The room is too dark. O quarto é muito escuro.
The heater isn’t working. O aquecimento não funciona.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. O ar- condicionado não funciona.
The TV isn’t working. A televisão não funciona.
I don’t like that. Não gosto disto.
That’s too expensive. É muito caro.
Do you have anything cheaper? Tem alguma coisa mais barata?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? Há aqui perto uma pousada da juventude?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? Há aqui perto uma pensão?
Is there a restaurant nearby? Há aqui perto um restaurante?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Portuguese, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

If you want to further improve your Portuguese vocabulary, start learning Portuguese using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also installed on your mobile device.
Prepare for your Portugal trip or vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

learn portuguese online

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Turkish Hotel Vocabulary and Turkish Phrases for Hotels

Turkish Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to a Spanish speaking country, some of the most basic Spanish phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful Spanish sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful Spanish Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English Spanish
Do you have a vacant room? Boş bir odanız var mı?
I have booked a room. Ben bir oda rezerve ettim.
I need a single room. Tek kişilik odaya ihtiyacım var.
I need a double room. Çift kişilik odaya ihtiyacım var.
What does the room cost per night? Odanın gecelik ücreti nedir?
Can I see the room? Odayı görebilir miyim?
Fine, I’ll take the room. İyi, odayı tutuyorum.
Here are the keys. Anahtarlar burada.
Here is my luggage. Eşyalarım burada.
What time do you serve breakfast? Kahvaltı saat kaçta?
What time do you serve lunch? Öğle yemeği saat kaçta?
What time do you serve dinner? Akşam yemeği saat kaçta?
The shower isn’t working. Duş arızalı.
There is no warm water. Sıcak su gelmiyor.
Can you get it repaired? Bunu tamir ettirebilir misiniz?
There is no telephone in the room. Odada telefon yok.
There is no TV in the room. Odada televizyon yok.
The room has no balcony. Odanın balkonu yok.
The room is too noisy. Oda fazla gürültülü.
The room is too small. Oda fazla küçük.
The room is too dark. Oda fazla karanlık.
The heater isn’t working. Kalorifer çalışmıyor.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. Klima çalışmıyor.
The TV isn’t working. Televizyon bozuk.
I don’t like that. Bu hoşuma gitmiyor.
That’s too expensive. Bu benim için fazla pahalı.
Do you have anything cheaper? Daha ucuz bir şeyiniz var mı?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? Buralarda yakında gençler için bir misafirhane var mı?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? Burada yakında bir pansiyon var mı?
Is there a restaurant nearby? Burada yakında bir restoran var mı?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Turkish, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

If you want to further improve your Turkish vocabulary, start learning Turkish using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also installed on your mobile device.

Prepare for your Turky trip or vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

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Chinese Hotel Vocabulary and Chinese Phrases for Hotels

Chinese Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to a Chinese speaking country, some of the most basic Chinese phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful Chinese sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful Chinese Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English Chinese
Do you have a vacant room? 您有一个空房间吗? / Nín yǒu yīgè kōng fángjiān ma?
I have booked a room. 我定了一个房间。/ Wǒ dìngle yīgè fángjiān.
I need a single room. 我需要一个单人间。/ Wǒ xūyào yīgè dān rénjiān.
I need a double room. 我需要一个双人间。/ Wǒ xūyào yīgè shuāng rénjiān.
What does the room cost per night? 这个房间每晚要多少钱? / Zhège fángjiān měi wǎn yào duōshǎo qián?
Can I see the room? 我能看一下房间吗? / Wǒ néng kàn yīxià fángjiān ma?
Fine, I’ll take the room. 好, 我就要这个房间。/ Hǎo, wǒ jiù yào zhège fángjiān.
Here are the keys. 这是房间钥匙。/  Zhè shì fángjiān yàoshi.
Here is my luggage. 这是我的行李。/ Zhè shì wǒ de xínglǐ.
What time do you serve breakfast? 早餐几点开始? / Zǎocān jǐ diǎn kāishǐ?
What time do you serve lunch? 午饭几点开始? / Wǔfàn jǐ diǎn kāishǐ?
What time do you serve dinner? 晚饭几点开始? / Wǎnfàn jǐ diǎn kāishǐ?
The shower isn’t working. 这个淋浴不好使。/ Zhège línyù bù hǎo shǐ.
There is no warm water. 没热水出来。/ Méi rè shuǐ chūlái.
Can you get it repaired? 您能把它修理一下吗? / Nín néng bǎ tā xiūlǐ yīxià ma?
There is no telephone in the room. 这房间里没有电话。/ Zhè fángjiān lǐ méiyǒu diànhuà.
There is no TV in the room. 这房间里没有电视。/ Zhè fángjiān lǐ méiyǒu diànshì.
The room has no balcony. 这房间没有阳台。/ Zhè fángjiān méiyǒu yángtái.
The room is too noisy. 这房间太吵。/ Zhè fángjiān tài chǎo.
The room is too small. 这房间太小。/ Zhè fángjiān tài xiǎo.
The room is too dark. 这房间太暗。/ Zhè fángjiān tài àn.
The heater isn’t working. 暖气设备不供暖。/ Nuǎnqì shèbèi bù gōngnuǎn.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. 空调用不了。/ Kòngtiáo yòng bùliǎo.
The TV isn’t working. 电视机坏了。/ Diànshì jī huàile.
I don’t like that. 我对这很不满意。/ Wǒ duì zhè hěn bù mǎnyì.
That’s too expensive. 这对我来说太贵了。/ Zhè duì wǒ lái shuō tài guìle.
Do you have anything cheaper? 您有便宜一点的吗? / Nín yǒu piányí yī diǎn de ma?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? 这附近有青年旅馆 吗?/ Zhè fùjìn yǒu qīngnián lǚguǎn ma?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? 这附近有旅馆吗? / Zhè fùjìn yǒu lǚguǎn ma?
Is there a restaurant nearby? 这附近有餐馆吗?/ Zhè fùjìn yǒu cānguǎn ma?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Chinese, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

If you want to further improve your Chinese vocabulary, start learning Chinese using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also installed on your mobile device.

Prepare for your China trip or vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

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