Showing posts with label Months of the year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Months of the year. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Months of the year in Chinese

Months of the year in Chinese

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in Chinese represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in Chinese: English to Chinese translation

English Chinese
January 一月 / Yī yuè
February 二月 / Èr yuè
March 三月 / Sān yuè
April 四月 / Sì yuè
May 五月 / Wǔ yuè
June 六月 / Liù yuè
July 七月 / Qī yuè
August 八月 / Bā yuè
September 九月 / Jiǔ yuè
October 十月 / Shí yuè
November 十一月 / Shíyī yuè
December 十二月 / Shí'èr yuè
Months 月份 / Yuè fèn
These are six months. 这是六个月。/ Zhè shì liù gè yuè.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Chinese, we recommend you bookmark or write down the Chinese months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your Chinese vocabulary farther, start learning Chinese using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

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Months of the year in Turkish

Months of the year in Turkish

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in Turkish represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in Turkish: English to Turkish translation

English Turkish
January Ocak
February Şubat
March Mart
April Nisan
May Mayıs
June Haziran
July Temmuz
August Ağustos
September Eylül
October Ekim
November Kasım
December Aralık
Months Aylar
These are six months. Bunlar altı aydır.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Turkish, we recommend you bookmark or write down the Turkish months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your Turkish vocabulary farther, start learning Turkish using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

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Months of the year in Portuguese

Months of the year in Portuguese

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in Portuguese represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in Portuguese: English to Portuguese translation

English Portuguese
January Janeiro
February Fevereiro
March Março
April Abril
May Maio
June Junho
July Julho
August Agosto
September Setembro
October Outubro
November Novembro
December Dezembro
Months Meses
These are six months. São seis meses.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Portuguese, we recommend you bookmark or write down the Portuguese months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your Portuguese vocabulary farther, start learning Portuguese using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

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Months of the year in Russian

Months of the year in Russian

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in Russian represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in Russian: English to Russian translation

English Russian
January Январь / Yanvar
February Февраль / Fevral
March Март / Mart
April Апрель / Aprel
May Май / May
June Июнь / Iyun
July Июль / Iyul
August Август / Avgust
September Сентябрь / Sentyabr
October Октябрь / Oktyabr
November Ноябрь / Noyabr
December Декабрь / Dekabr
Months Месяцы / Mesyatsy
These are six months. Это шесть месяцев. / Eto shest mesyatsev.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Russian, we recommend you bookmark or write down the Russian months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your Russian vocabulary farther, start learning Russian using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

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Months of the year in Italian

Months of the year in Italian

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in Italian represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in Italian: English to Italian translation

English Italian
January Gennaio
February Febbraio
March Marzo
April Aprile
May Maggio
June Giugno
July Luglio
August Agosto
September Settembre
October Ottobre
November Novembre
December Dicembre
Months Mesi
These are six months. Questi sono sei mesi.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Italian, we recommend you bookmark or write down the Italian months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your Italian vocabulary farther, start learning Italian using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

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Months of the year in German

Months of the year in German

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in German represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in German: English to German translation

English German
January Januar
February Februar
March März
April April
May Mai
June Juni
July Juli
August August
September September
October Oktober
November November
December Dezember
Months Monate
These are six months. Das sind sechs Monate.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning German, we recommend you bookmark or write down the German months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your German vocabulary farther, start learning German using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

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Months of the year in Arabic

Months of the year in Arabic

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in Arabic represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in Arabic: English to Arabic translation

English Arabic
January ‫يناير‬ / Yanayir.
February ‫فبراير‬ / Febrayer.
March ‫مارس‬ / Maris.
April ‫أبريل‬ / Apreel
May ‫مايو‬ / Mayo.
June ‫يونيو‬ / Yunyo.
July ‫يوليو‬ / Yulyo.
August أغسطس‬ / Aghustus.
September ‫سبتمبر‬ / September.
October ‫أكتوبر‬ / October.
November ‫نوفمبر‬ / November.
December ‫ديسمبر‬ / December.
Months ‫الشهور‬ / Alshuhour.
These are six months. ‫هذه ستة أشهر.‬ / Hazih sitat 'ashhur.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Arabic, we recommend you bookmark or write down the Arabic months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your Arabic vocabulary farther, start learning Arabic using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

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Months of the year in French

Months of the year in French

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in French represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in French: English to French translation

English French
January Janvier
February Février
March Mars
April Avril
May Mai
June Juin
July Juillet
August Août
September Septembre
October Octobre
November Novembre
December Décembre
Months Les mois
These are six months. Ce sont six mois.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning French, we recommend you bookmark or write down the French months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your French vocabulary farther, start learning French using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.
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Months of the year in Spanish

Months of the year in Spanish

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in Spanish represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in Spanish: English to Spanish translation

English Spanish
January Enero
February Febrero
March Marzo
April Abril
May Mayo
June Junio
July Julio
August Agosto
September Septiembre
October Octubre
November Noviembre
December Diciembre
Months Los Meses
These are six months. Esos son seis meses.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Spanish, we recommend you bookmark or write down the Spanish months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your Spanish vocabulary farther, start learning Spanish using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

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