Showing posts with label Spanish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spanish. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Colors in Spanish

Colors in Spanish

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the colors. Together with the days of the week, months of the year and numbers make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the colors in Spanish represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Colors in Spanish: English to Spanish translation

English                              Spanish                             
black negro
blue azul
brown marrón
colour color
cyan cian
green verde
grey gris
orange naranja
pink rosa
red rojo
violet violeta
white blanco
yellow amarillo

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Spanish, we recommend you bookmark or write down the colors in Spanish listed on this page. If you want to improve your Spanish vocabulary further, start learning Spanish using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.
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Friday, October 12, 2018

Animals in Spanish - Spanish names for common animals

Animals in Spanish

Learning the basics in any language is the first step towards fluency and learning how to say dog or cat in Spanish is elemental for any simple conversation you may encounter. This kinds of lessons are fun and easy to assimilate and will help you later to compose basic Spanish phrases.

In the list below you will find over 30 names for animals translated in Spanish from English, expand your vocabulary and practice your pronunciations.

Learn basic Spanish words for common animals

English                              Spanish                             
animal animales
ape simio
bear oso
bird pájaro
bull toro
cat gato
chicken pollo
cow vaca
deer ciervo
dinosaur dinosaurio
dog perro
dolphin delfín
duck pato
elephant elefante
goat cabra
gorilla gorila
horse caballo
lion león
lizard lagarto
mammal mamífero
monkey mono
mouse ratón
octopus pulpo
orca orca
owl búho
pig cerdo
puppy cachorro
rooster gallo
salmon salmón
shark tiburón
snake serpiente
tiger tigre
tuna atún
whale ballena

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Spanish, we recommend you bookmark or write down the animal names in Spanish listed above. If you want to improve your Spanish vocabulary further, start learning Spanish using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

Start learning other basics Spanish words with Mondly Languages:

learn Animals in Spanish

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Spanish Hotel Vocabulary and Spanish Phrases for Hotels

Spanish Hotel Vocabulary

If you are traveling to a Spanish speaking country, some of the most basic Spanish phrases you will probably need to learn and pronounce first will be hotel related conversations. We've gathered and listed 30 useful Spanish sentences any traveler will find useful whether on vacation or a business trip.

Top 30 Useful Spanish Phrases for Hotel Conversations

English Spanish
Do you have a vacant room? ¿Tiene usted una habitación libre?
I have booked a room. He reservado una habitación.
I need a single room. Necesito una habitación individual.
I need a double room. Necesito una habitación doble.
What does the room cost per night? ¿Cuánto vale la habitación por noche?
Can I see the room? ¿Puedo ver la habitación?
Fine, I’ll take the room. De acuerdo, tomaré la habitación.
Here are the keys. Aquí tiene las llaves.
Here is my luggage. Éste es mi equipaje.
What time do you serve breakfast? ¿A qué hora es el desayuno?
What time do you serve lunch? ¿A qué hora es el almuerzo?
What time do you serve dinner? ¿A qué hora es la cena?
The shower isn’t working. La ducha no funciona.
There is no warm water. No hay agua caliente.
Can you get it repaired? ¿Podría usted arreglarlo?
There is no telephone in the room. No hay teléfono en la habitación.
There is no TV in the room. No hay televisión en la habitación.
The room has no balcony. La habitación no tiene balcón.
The room is too noisy. La habitación es demasiado ruidosa
The room is too small. La habitación es demasiado pequeña.
The room is too dark. La habitación es demasiado oscura.
The heater isn’t working. La calefacción no funciona.
The air-conditioning isn’t working. El aire acondicionado no funciona.
The TV isn’t working. El televisor no funciona.
I don’t like that. Eso no me gusta.
That’s too expensive. Eso es demasiado caro.
Do you have anything cheaper? ¿Tiene usted algo más barato?
Is there a youth hostel nearby? ¿Hay algún albergue juvenil por aquí?
Is there a bed and breakfast nearby? ¿Hay alguna pensión cerca de aquí?
Is there a restaurant nearby? ¿Hay algún restaurante por aquí?

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Spanish, we recommend you bookmark or write down the phrases listed on this page. It may come in as highly useful once you check at your hotel.

If you want to further improve your Spanish vocabulary, start learning Spanish using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also installed on your mobile device.

Prepare for your Spain trip or vacation now and avoid embarrassing situations at the hotel!

learn spanish online

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Months of the year in Spanish

Months of the year in Spanish

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the months of the year. Together with the days of the week, numbers and the colors make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the months in Spanish represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Months of the year in Spanish: English to Spanish translation

English Spanish
January Enero
February Febrero
March Marzo
April Abril
May Mayo
June Junio
July Julio
August Agosto
September Septiembre
October Octubre
November Noviembre
December Diciembre
Months Los Meses
These are six months. Esos son seis meses.

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Spanish, we recommend you bookmark or write down the Spanish months of the year listed on this page. If you want to improve your Spanish vocabulary farther, start learning Spanish using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

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